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biological plausibility中文是什么意思

用"biological plausibility"造句"biological plausibility"怎么读"biological plausibility" in a sentence


  • 生物学似真性


  • " there is biological plausibility in inferring that breast - feeding protects against bed - wetting and our results show a strong statistical association " although not enough to prove a direct cause - effect
    “说母乳喂养能够防止尿床,这在生物学上是能讲得通的,而且我们的研究结果也为此提供了有力的数据支持。 ”
  • " there is biological plausibility in inferring that breast - feeding protects against bed - wetting and our results show a strong statistical association " although not enough to prove a direct cause - effect
    “说母乳喂养能够防止尿床,这在生物学上是能讲得通的,而且我们的研究结果也为此提供了有力的数据支持。 ”但这些数据还不足以证明二者之间存在直接的因果关系。
用"biological plausibility"造句  



In epidemiology and biomedicine, the term biological plausibility refers to the proposal of a causal association ? a relationship between a putative cause and an outcome ? that is consistent with existing biological and medical knowledge.
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